Algorithms for optimization inference and learning

Algorithms for optimization inference and learning

Total duration: 3h
Virtual Room

Review details


Il corso  AWS ti fornirà le nozioni base di Cloud Computing, storage e networking in Amazon Web Services e lo rende autonomo nel guidare soluzioni IT mantenendole in linea con le tue esigenze di business.

Obiettivi del corso
  • Riconoscere terminologia e nozioni relative alla piattaforma AWS
  • Imparare a navigare nella console di gestione AWS
  • Conoscere i principali servizi – Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), and Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) – e le loro applicazioni
  • Padroneggiare concetti chiave relativi alle misure di sicurezza in AWS e ad AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Comprendere i principali servizi di Database come Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Prendere familiarità con Auto Scaling, Amazon CloudWatch, Elastic LoadBalancing (ELB), and AWS Trusted Advisor e altri AWS Management tools.

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Date of review

sabato 12 giugno


Review hosted by Michele

Community member since 2021

I am a software engineer, project manager, and father at Web & mobile developer currently living in Torino, Italia. My interests range from internet to mobile. I am also interested in fitness, music, and programming. I studied computer engineering at Technical University of Turin. There, I earned my degree. I gained many years of experience as a software developer in Turin startup scene. During this time, I constantly read international reference books to keep up with the latest news and trends.

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